lunedì 16 novembre 2009

Dear Zachary In Demand

Ada yang punya film ini kah??? Udah agak lama gw nyari-nyari ga dapet...
Masa sih penantian gw cuma berakhir di trailer youtube...
Gak menjamin filmnya bagus banget sih,,cuma si Kurt Kuenne yang merancang segala-galanya di film ini sepertinya meyakinkan, buktinya mendapat awards berikut :
  • Best Documentary nominated by Chicago Film Critics Assosiation
  • Sigma Delta Chi Award for Best Documentary presented by The Society of Professional Journalist
  • Special Jury and Audiences Awards at Cinequest Film Festival
  • Audience Awards at the St. Louis International Film Festival & Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival
  • Best Documentary (again) at the Orlando Film Festival
Dan poster film nya ini lucu banget......... :)


Kate Moss & Albro

Familiar with this brand? Then I'll let you know that I'm quite a huge fan of the font. This was Moss' first line of clothing and other projects in the pipeline; let say perfume. Her image sealed by an identity mastermind, Peter Seville, in collaboration with typographer Paul Barnes.

Seville admited that it was quite difficult to find the right font for the word "Moss", to build an identity that is popular but quite boho. Then Barnes suggested one font that might be suited to their needs. He suggested a variation of ALBRO, a typeface by Alexey Brodovitch, a legendary art director of Harper's Bazaar from 1934-1958.

So this is the sample of Albro. Unfortunately, looks like the font is out of business - not for free uses. :(

venerdì 13 novembre 2009

Sam Ratulangi Traffic Jam

Ini adalah bukti nyata bahwa Jakarta kemarin hujan lebat dan mengakibatkan beberapa tempat seperti Wahid Hasyim dan Sabang tertimpa banjir, juga beberapa pohon tumbang ataupun sekedar miring-miring. Untungnya saya nggak lewat tempat-tempat tadi. Tapi tetap mengalami efek hujan kemarin, yaitu macet totalnya Jakarta. Gokil, 2 setengah jam kena macet. Tiba-tiba terlintas ingin mengendarai mobil matic. Hwwwwhhh. Tapi sepanjang perjalanan kemarin siang-sore, saya sadar bahwa Jakarta baru indah kalo lagi hujan(jangan lebay tapi hujannya)- sejuk, bersih, segar. Seperti di foto ini, asli kemarin rasanya dingin dan segar banget!


giovedì 12 novembre 2009

Welcome - France Again!

Pathetically tragic! I couldn't say any words else while watching the ending. It was such an ending! Well done Philippe Lioret... And it's France's. Again. *clap hands*
